I-STEM (Indian Science, Technology and Engineering Facilities Map)
URL: https://www.istem.gov.in/
I-STEM (Indian Science, Technology and Engineering Facilities Map) I-STEM is a National Portal, which assists researchers to locate the specific facility(ies) they need for their R&D work. The portal also assists in shortlisting and identifying the facilities based on distance and time of availability. In line with this, IISER Bhopal has made it mandatory for all external users (academic/industry) to submit booking requests through I-STEM mode only.
About I-STEM
Over the years, the Government of India has been funding research and development
efforts at academic institutions. However, the mapping of facilities based on availability
and distance was not available. The government aims at bridging the gap, by
converging information on facilities developed through government support and
researchers who are qualified to utilise these facilities for research work.
The I-STEM Web Portal assists users to locate the specific facility(ties) they need for their R&D work and identify the one that is either located closest to them or available the soonest. Booking may also be done using Android and IoS Application
The organisation, acting as custodian of the facility may charge the fee for running and maintaining the resources beyond the Project Duration. A panel of Experts will be formed in due course to assist the users by providing information to optimally utilise resources available through I-STEM’s S&T Chat Room.
A Digital Catalogue of Technologies and Technologies Products mandated by the Empowered Technology Group is an integral part of the I-STEM webportal
A platform for conducting and hosting industry challenges as mandated by the Empowered Technology Group (ETG) is being developed for Start-ups and Academia for making India “Aatmnirbhar”.
Through a recent GoI directive, institutions with R&D facilities funded by agencies of the GoI are now mandated to list these facilities on the I-STEM Portal.
I-STEM protects the IP involved in building the I-STEM Portal, a provisional patent application entitled. A method and process for efficient use of geographically dispersed resources", has been filed with the Indian Patent Office.
source : (https://www.psa.gov.in/i-stem)
How to access IISER Bhopal R&D facility through I-STEM Before making equipment reservation, kindly create your profile.
url on ‘how to register on I-STEM’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pr-DTb80jzc
url on how to make reservation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3siT4-AoQ